Thursday, January 14, 2010


Today, I encourage you just to rejoice in what God has done for you. I woke up this morning and started to drive to school and stopped and thought, "I haven't even talked to my Father today." So, I started praying but really just thanking Him for everything I had. Just rejoicing for the things He had done in my life. Thank you Lord that I have a car to drive to my highschool, where I can get a free education.

Thank You Lord for having me be able to hear Your Word, because I would be a nobody without You.


Sunday, January 10, 2010


I have noticed in myself, when I talk to Jesus or tell someone about what He has done in my life I get emotional. It's like nearly every worship song I hear or sing, I end up with tears. I think once you have drawn near to God in tough times, it becomes a whole new level of relationship. You trust Him fully now. You know that He got you through that one thing that He can get you through anything else. You finally feel His love for you, bigger than before. It's more real, because you have actually seen it at work in your life. Not only with how He loves on you, but also how you love on people. I know I have changed from the past how I am with people, thanks to the Lord's love. What a great God we serve.

I have always heard the saying "Jesus Loves Me" but we never really comprehend it since it seems that phrase is overused. We can't comprehend that majectic love anyways, but when I as least try to, It leaves me in awe and a feeling of unworthiness to the Lord. My righteousness is like filthy rags compared to Him. He still died for you and me. Even though He knew we would make mistakes and possibly go against Him at times that He still wants us. That love He had for us when He died on the cross years ago has not changed. The Lord still loves us BIG TIME since that day He showed His love.

Now I want to live in my love for the Lord every day. He died for me, because He loved me. Now I'm going to live FOR him, because I love Him, with all my heart.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Best Dream EVER

Today I had to stay home sick. I never miss school or anything, so staying home and doing nothing was not fun. Anyways, today I have been listening to my itunes. There is one song that I love by Phil Wickham. It's called Divine Romance.

Everytime this song came on I would get this vision in my head of me and Jesus dancing together. When I was in the car and I would hear it, I would just imagine it...and a big smile and tears would come. Then while I was resting I would just close my eyes and imagine this vision. Just a lot of laughter and happiness. A lot of comfort too. It was just the best dream ever. There was just no pain there. Just love and acceptance.

Thursday, January 7, 2010


Alright in the past three days, I have learned a few things. Ready for a long post? Here goes::

I'm in the process of reading tons of books. A friend of mine that I have just recently started talking to again let me borrow his book, Wild at Heart. I have always wanted to read this book, because come on, every girl wants to know what's going on in a man's heart right? Haha! I highly recommend it. It's a book for both men and women. Anyways, while reading this book I have noticed a lot about the man's heart. All the affirmation they need to be called a man. It's interesting. I decided that I want a man that is "wild at heart" and that I want to raise my sons to be the same. John Eldredge, the author explains to the reader that men and women are made in God's image. Women are more of God's love and comfort, while men are the more fierce part of God. It's just really astounding to why God made us the way He did. Why men and women are wired differently, but it all makes sense. When we come together as one we are almost seen as the full image of God. His love, mercy, compassion, fierceness, justice, and in ways violent or angry. No duh were supposed to coexist. So, only reader.. haha, the next time Bailey wants to go hog hunting or climb a mountain, let him. :) Adam was created in the wilderness outside the Garden of Eden. It's where they belong. Hahaha!

In my Let's Go devotional I have been learning a lot about how I have fear and doubt in my soul about myself. Just the fear of messing something up or not doing the right thing. Someone once told me, "Why do we do what we do? Because we want to." I had to sit think about that for awhile. It ended up making sense in the end though. I do things because I want to. But my prayer is that I want the things that God wants for me. My ultimate fear is doing something that God doesn't want. I want to live in the fullness of His plan for my life, but I have a fear that I'll make a wrong turn and miss out. So, first recognizing that I do have that fear within me then I keep writing and the word trust comes. Trust in the Lord and stay in His Word. I wrote..."The Holy Spirit is leading me to just keep in His Word and be patient. I don't need to know everything that's going to happen right this very second. His timing for everything is the best timing." Just confirming is His will everyday is important to me. Trusting in Him and giving my fear up to Him daily really helps. One time I was really discouraged about this. Discouraged in the fact that my desires I want for my life were going to be withheld from me or something. The discouragement was mainly about not finding someone and starting a family. It was defintely a feeling of doubt from The Enemy, because at that time, I had recently gone through my first heartbreak. And what do you do when you're discouraged? Read His Word, His TRUTH. I came upon this in Psalm 20 "May He grant you your heart's desire and fulfill all your plans!" Confirmation. And if that wasn't enough, God showed me this in Psalm 21 "You have given him his heart's desire and have not withheld the request of his lips." Confirmation. God is good people. No, He is amazing, extraordinary, outstanding, omniscient, and all loving. I don't know about you, but I'm shocked everyday that God created this beautiful earth and all the stars, but still cares about us more than all of it. Blows my mind.

I was reading in Psalms today and came upon this...try putting your own name in it.

Psalm 112
Praise the Lord!
Blessed is Samantha who fears the Lord, who greatly delights in his commandments! Her offspring will be mighty in the land and the generation of the upright will be blessed. Wealth and riches are in her house, and her righteousness endures forever. LIGHT DAWNS IN THE DARKNESS FOR THE UPRIGHT; She is gracious, merciful, and righteous. It is well with Samantha who deals generously and lends; who conducts her affairs with justice. FOR SHE WILL NEVER BE MOVED; SHE WILL BE REMEMBERED FOREVER. SHE IS NOT AFRAID OF BAD NEWS; HER HEART IS FIRM, TRUSTING IN THE LORD. Her heart is steady; she will not be afraid until she looks in triumph on her adversaries. She has distributed freely; she has given to the poor; her righteousness endures forever; her horn is exalted in honor. The wicked man sees it and is angry he gnashes his teeth and melts away; the desire of the wicked will perish!

thanks for reading

Monday, January 4, 2010


Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Proverbs 3:3

These are just some things I have written down during my quiet time.

"He is leading me to not live in fear of what the future holds. To not worry of what will become of my life. He has my heart and is holding my hand and is ready and can't wait to see my full potential."

On things we give so much of our time to...Since I'm fasting, it just made me think of all the tedious things in my life.

"These things we do are so meaningless when there's a bigger picture in mind, and if we coud see that picture we could and would give up those things willingly and freely."

thanks for reading

I have decided...

I have decided to start up a fresh new blog just devoted to all the things God has been teaching me. I just feel the need to share all these ideas He has been putting into my head. Our church congregation has started a 21 day fast and devotional. I'm fasting caffeine. I know most of you guys, that's how you live, but not this will be interesting. I have never done a fast before, so I can't wait to see what God says.

Here's just the thoughts of today...

I'm having trouble recalling now where I read today God saying, "the Holy Spirit came upon them." I think it may have been while listening to the introduction of my devotion, not sure. Anyways, I all of the sudden just started thinking of how many times this comes up. "The Holy Spirit came upon them." This sunday a guest speaker at my church talked about how the virgin mary conceived Jesus. She asked, "how?" and the angel said, "the Holy Spirit will come upon you." When Shadrach, Meschach and Abindego...(excuse the awful spelling) were in the fiery furnace, He was there. The Holy Spirit was present. There are just different incidents in the Bible where God gets to show all He's got. When you have times that don't seem to be looking up or just see your goal or dream as an impossibility...think again. If you choose and allow God to at your right hand, He will be. And if you ask Him to come upon you, He will. His desire is to be wanted by you. If you just ask Him, He is eager.

Think of those things that you think are impossible in your life. Just know, God is bigger than them and with Him, miraculous things happen. He's waiting to show you.

thanks for reading